Thursday, January 20, 2011

conviential food- conventional food is no good it is very unhealthy for you. it really messes up your inside body! it can make you vomit and be very sick. it also gets you fat like a slobe and have lots of guts which is no bueno.

organic food- very healthy for you. if you eat healthy and work out you'll be in good shape. salads, fruits , apples , etc is very good for you.

conventional farms- very unhealthy for animals and the workers. alot of air pollution over there is no good all the animals are breathing in all that nasty pollution and smoke and dirt getting all over the veggies then sent out to newyork and we all get dieases. treat animals like trash.

organic farms- very healthy for you. freshly farmed veggies are good and grown. more cleaner than conventional farms. no pollution to hurt the animals or workers.

urban food deserts- not enough freshly grown fruits/veggies.

                             - marc segarra '